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LA LA LA, un premier extrait de l’album Chercheur de lumières à venir le 27 octobre 2023


K!RA OJI is back with LA LA LA, the first single from the forthcoming album Chercheur de lumières!


K!RA OJI is back with LA LA LA, the first single from the forthcoming album Chercheur de lumières!


The young rapper opens the floodgates with the first single from Chercheur de lumières,
his first album, to be released on October 27!

A year after the release of Protagoniste, a debut EP that revealed his signature rap style, K!RA OJI is back with a catchy new single.

With its catchy chorus and rhythmic nods to salsa and Latin pop, LA LA LA csets the scene for an immoderate party. With a caustic drawl to back it up, the rapper has a lot of fun, indulging in a convincing stylistic exercise on the theme of excessive ego as he slips into the skin of a haughty, over-confident and slightly tipsy character.

With DJ Kleancut on direction, Farfadet (Rymz, Souldia) on producing and mixing, Pierre-Luc Darveau (Moderne Mastering) on mastering and JP Charlebois (Charleswood Films), who directed the music video for LA LA LA, K!RA OJI takes to the floor. He also announces a launch show on October 26 at Le Ministère in Montreal, to coincide with the release of his debut album, Chercheur de lumières. Tickets are on sale now!