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Klô Pelgag and Les Hôtesses d’Hilaire part of the first La Noce Saguenay


Klô Pelgag and Les Hôtesses d’Hilaire part of the first La Noce Saguenay

Les Hôtesses d’Hilaire and Klô Pelgag are amongst the musical acts to take part of the first ever La Noce Saguenay festival. The line up was announced earlier this week and it’s quite fab! It’s all happening on July 8!

Check out these other bands playing:
Philippe Brach
Les Goules
VioleTT Pi
Le Gros Groupe

More details on the official website

This event is presented by Ambiances Ambiguës, Diffusion Saguenay et SiriusXM Franco!